Those that know me know that my affinity for cheese has no limit. I crave the creaminess of brie and Camembert, the saltiness of Manchego, the pungent power of Roquefort and Bleus. There was this time at Patina where I was, for lack of a better term, humbled by a Munster.
I asked for something that would essentially force me to take notice of it. To act as an affront to my senses and make me weep in adulation.
I found this completely with a Munster. That's right a Munster!
A cheese that is often so soft in texture and feel that it may as well not exist, but this one was nothing of the sort. As soon as it hit my tongue and my mouth closed around it I lost myself in its power and balance.
I was punched full force in the mouth and I loved each bite. I wish I knew that name of this abuser but I was knocked unconscious and woke with amnesia, save the beauty of this taste.
As for our platter, I went with Irish Ivernia, President Camembert, Societe Roquefort and Andanzas Manchego with honey, walnuts and dried apricots.
i want this now