85g cold butter, chopped into 1cm-ish cubes
1 cup flour, plus more for dusting/incorporating later
1/2 cup wheatgerm
4Tbs approx ice water, cold buttermilk, or cold milk.
1/2tsp salt if using unsalted butter
Rub the butter and flour and wheatgerm together in a medium sized bowl, until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
Add the cold water, buttermilk, or milk, and still using the pastry cutter or your fingers, half mix and half knead the mixture until it comes together to form a dough. Just keep adding milk/water until you feel some firmness in the dough.
Ok are you ready to try to get this bad boy into your tart pan? If yes then remember to lightly grease it first and then place the ball of ball lovingly into the center and begin working it out evenly to the edges.
One might be inclined to use a grease spatula, but believe me your hands are the best utensil you have at your disposal.
**But you can just as easily use a pre-made crust or break out some puff pasrty in a tin as well.
One medium sized butternut squash, peeled, and roughly chopped
1/2 a medium onion, chopped roughly
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
pinch fresh oregano
1 cup of corn - I prefer one can of sweet summer corn
100g feta cheese, about one containter of Athena feta
1/4 cup finely grated parmesan
1/2 cup grated cheese
salt and pepper
cooking oil
Heat a medium sized non stick pan on medium heat with about a Tablespoon of oil, a pinch of salt and some freshly ground black pepper. Cook your onions until they begin to turn translucent. Add squash, cover, and let cook for about 2 minutes. Uncover, flip and re-cover the pan, letting the squash cook for another 2-3 minutes. Uncover, and let all the steam evaporate, then add garlic and corn, and stir occasionally. The squash should eventually have some golden flecks on it. Here's the good stuff as the squash and onion start to carmelize.
Once it is easily mashable with your spatula, remove from heat, and add oregano if you want. Mix through, and then let cool. Preheat oven to 400F, with a rack in the middle or if using the middle rack for roast potatoes, arrange a rack on the bottom for the tart.
There are two options for you here: 1) you can place the items as there are into the crust, or 2) place all of the mixture into a food processor or use a hand/stick mixer to blend into a paste and then pour into the crust. Either way you choose, you can now add the feta, parmesan and third cheese. Sprinkle freshly ground black pepper over. Bake for 25 or until cheese is golden brown.
Serve with a fresh leafy salad or roast potatoes.

*not the best photo but hey you're here for the recipes right?
this thing tastes like onions.